We like to stay updated on what is happing in the security world.
Through memberships in leading organisations worldwide, we are constantly putting out our antennas.
These are some of the organisations and memberships we belong to and which keep us alert:

Member of VBN/Association of Security Professionals Netherlands
The Association of Security Professionals Netherlands counts almost 400 security specialists .
They work for the Netherlands' leading organisations in sectors such as government, critical infrastructure, healthcare and heavy industry.
The members meet regularly at locations that are interesting for the field, such as industrial complexes, research laboratories and control rooms.

Member of ASIS Benelux
Asis stands for American Society for Industrial Security, the leading organisation for security professionals worldwide with more than 35,000 members. From 2015 to 2018, Paul Robrechts was President of the Benelux Chapter and a member of the Board from 2012 to 2019. We are still an active member of this organisation.

Member of the Society of Risk Management
The Society for Risk Management is the association of and for people engaged in risk management in the broadest sense of the word.
The society provides a platform for knowledge exchange, is a network for interested parties and professionals and aims to further develop the field.